Thursday 20 October 2011

Feeling fruity: I Love Juicy shampoo

In my teenage years it wasn’t the traditional pimples that plagued me but the horror of greasy hair.

My locks are just too fine and start to look lank by the evening.

While my classmates caked themselves in orange foundation and Hide The Blemish and spent hours ‘scrunching’ their perms I was up at the lark’s cough washing my hair. Every day.

I remember one day – my 16th birthday and also the day of our school photo – I didn’t rinse properly and overzealous use of hairspray left my head looking like the inside of a discarded chip wrapper.

Lather, rinse, repeat has been my daily mantra for more than 15 years despite being told off by hairdressers. “Why?” was the incredulous, and slightly disgusted, cry from one stylist when he was told of my daily washing routine. He insisted I could leave until the second day by using dry shampoo and maybe even a third by ‘slicking’ it back into a ponytail.

Unfortunately I’m yet to be convinced by the dry shampoo thing. I mean they’re great if you like to look like a Georgian courtesan but the white powdered look is not for me.

So it was with trepidation that I tried I Love Juicy from the lovely people at Lush. I read an online recommendation which promised to leave my crowning glory grease free. It has pineapple and grapefruit  in and lots of other yummy sounding things and many suggested I would, shock horror, be able to go a day without washing my hair.

I’m still not convinced on that front, although I have been known to skip a day of washing in recent weeks (I know, amazing). The stuff cuts through the grime and leaves my hair all swishy, but not all fluffy or static (the other bugbear of having super fine tresses).

Using it for a few days in a row left my locks shiny and glossy looking giving me a higher percentage of good hair days.

Cheers for making it, Caroline!

It doesn’t lather up the way ‘normal’ shampoos do so if you want to pretend you’re on a hair care advert then maybe it’s not for you, but a little does go a long way. The other good thing is that Lush are environmentally conscious and it’s suitable for vegans, meaning no bunnies were harmed in getting the product to market. Result!


  1. I'm a huge fan of Lush. I use their solid shampoos. Karma smells delicious and a bar lasts for months. x

  2. Ooh this looks really interesting, I have really fine hair too that tends to grease up too quickly, I will have to check this out x

  3. I have used this and I quite liked it, Im the same though I have to wash everyday. I have found the only dry shampoo that doesnt give you grey hair is Umberto Giannini (I may have spelled that wrong) it is really good, but I still have to wash it if I want to go anywhere looking half decent, but if its just the supermarket I can cope by using this stuff.

  4. Thanks everyone and thanks, Pearl. I might give that dry shampoo a go. I have used their back comb in a bottle (post to come soon!)
